Thursday, November 20, 2008


Cry out for joy, O Ye of Bleeding Hearts! Exalt the New Messiah, O Ye whose voices are hoarse from excessive marijuana-abuse and endless refrains of "Kumbayuh"!

President-Elect Barack H. Obama is carefully assembling his team of Hope. Even now, he is allowing the sweet breath of "Change" to emanate from his sanctified nostrils. This "Change," apparently, comes in the form of retrograde, stale-as-toast Clintons and Clintonian-cronies (so far). Can't you smell the Newness? Yeah, I can, too. At first, I thought it was another one of those shifting winds that blows across the Salton Sea once in awhile, wafting scents of decay and putrefaction across the greater portion of the SoCal desert.

Then I remembered that Obama has been making administrative appointments. This explains the stench. We'll discuss that, at length, at another time.

Now, however, seems an ideal moment in which to reflect upon the rapid-fire foray of Governor Sarah Palin into mainstream media clutches following the November 4 election. I think a great many genuine conservatives were not surprised to see this formidable and determined leader go on the offensive. To many of us, it is clear that she was deliberately clipped by the McCain campaign, which wanted her only as conservative window-dressing, rather than as a conservative voice. They tried to force her to be a Democrat-Lite Republican for a couple of interviews and this naturally jammed the honest, forthright woman's frequencies. Who wouldn't be speechless when pressed by one's boss to recite unnatural and repugnant ideas...and try to appear convincing while doing so? Well, Palin has since rectified that situation, all by herself.

After nine-weeks of mismanagement by bungling McCain strategists, she wanted to finally speak with her own, unfettered voice outside the parameters of a rally.

After enduring the wanton misrepresentation of blood-drunk liberal media hypocrites, she stepped directly into their midst with no fear and no regrets.

After the desperate attempts of neurotic, pantywaist Democrats everywhere to perpetuate the lie that she is an "idiot," Governor Palin decided to step directly into their Media-Gods' sanctums and stare them down on her terms--not on those of John "My Friends, My Friends" McCain.

She rocked.

Through a flurry of candid interviews with Greta van Susteren, Matt Lauer, Larry King, and Wolf Blitzer, Governor Palin answered all of their questions and even some brand-new "gotcha" grabbers. She answered with poise, clarity, and the straightforward North Country charm that shallow urban-types mistake for "stupidity"--even as they themselves struggle to properly replace mere batteries in their beloved, vibrating Black-Daddy Dildos. (And I'm talking mostly about Democrat men, here). When these mechanically disinclined liberals fail to jump-start their portable prostate-masseurs, they promptly disintegrate into shuddering puddles of existential angst and fear.

That's the same reaction they experience whenever Sarah Palin speaks: FEAR. It isn't the kind of fear that stems from an encounter with ineptitude. Rather, it is the fear of someone so genuine and so real as to be utterly unrecognizable to brain-fried Leftists. These liberals are capable of responding only to that which is filtered through the gauzy lens of some swarthy Hollywood director eager to film a momentous Susan Sarandon comeback-vehicle, or perhaps the next comedy by obese hausfrau Michael Moore.

Yes, they FEAR Palin. They fear her because they know--even as visions of coffee-colored sugarplums dance in their heads--that she is not "stupid." She is, in fact, the most clear and present danger to their hysterical promulgation of moral relativism as the predominant American lifestyle.

In fact, judging from the enormous attention Palin received after Obama's victory, liberal panties still appear to be dribbling-over with the Shit of Girly-Man Terror. Dowdy Democrat women with barn door-sized asses are reaching for extra bran muffins...and their hands are shaking.

Sarah's not going away. Far from it.

Liberals know this, of course, which is why they all go into fetal position in the deep, dark night, desperate for Magical Obama Dream-Ponies to "appear" and soothe frazzled nerves with lullabies. Rabid homosexuals, confused by Obama-glee and the collective dump that voters dropped on their California "marriage" prop, are shedding a rash of valuable sequins during any number of histrionic drag-shows, down at their fey boites. The liberals, neurotic even in "triumph," are afraid because they know they've only got one awkward Palin interview (with news-midget Couric) left to cling to.

Well, they have that and all the flophouse sweat bathing the Left as it continues to obsessively promulgate the lie that Palin is "stupid," hoping to birth this Great Untruth from its massive welfare-childbearing hips into the dubious annals of urband legend.

Meanwhile, Palin has been articulate and at ease in all of her post-election interviews. She's been as effective as she was at rallies which drew such astonishing crowds of fired-up supporters--supporters who would have otherwise stayed home, had she not been the real attraction on the GOP ticket.

Here are the facts:

1. Liberals are aggressively trying to equate Palin's Northern accent and natural colloquialisms with "stupidity"--a contemptible bias that is worse than racism because it betokens an elitist delusion of superiority than can be applied to anyone, of any race, or any place, who is not utterly generic. They are trying to do this as a primary strategy for destroying her political future. They will not succeed, mainly because liberals do not really ever succeed at anything.

2. Palin does not employ faulty syntax with any more regularity than her political peers when speaking during an interview or debate. This is another egregious lie, another groundless myth being perpetrated by the Left, which hopes to use her Northern accent--her accent!--as a kind of bait & switch smokescreen for their deception. On the contrary, Palin is a forthright, capable, charming, and appropriate speaker--when she was left to her own devices and not accosted by handlers who sought to repackage her persona as a McCain moderate. The Couric interview was an anomaly.

Governor Palin's words have weight with so many people because they are indeed unadorned with the usual platitudinous horseshit that emanates from Washington D.C. and its array of clanging cymbals. Millions in America (except for delirious liberals) can recognize empty words for what they are, and they're tired of it. Palin's earnest, direct honesty offers a most refreshing counterpoint.

Moreover, it is no crime that Palin has a regional accent, or that she is from Alaska. Leftists who are actively implying otherwise need to be condemned--loudly--as being on a par with racists. This dangerous social condescension cannot be tolerated in America. The sad reality is that the so-called "victors" in the recent political landscape cannot (or will not) recognize that Palin is--at the very least--an accomplished, intelligent American leader. They refuse to acknowledge this through the haze of their elitist hatred. This situation must be confronted. We'll talk about how to do that in a later column.

3. Palin knows what she knows, and doesn't know what she doesn't know. It's as simple as that. She knows how to successfully govern Americans in an executive capacity. Her record proves this beyond a shadow of doubt. She knows how to reduce a deficit, create a fiscal surplus, and how to assemble and then work with a talented cabinet in order to serve her constituency. Her approval rating--the highest of any governor for any American state--was not earned lightly. Moreover, Palin is arguably the most knowledgeable executive leader we can boast in the crucial issue of energy policy. This alone places her in a global context, regardless of her circumstantial foreign-policy inexperience.

Questions about Palin's foreign-policy experience could have been easily answered in her typical way, if she had not been micro-managed and over-controlled by McCain's wonks to the point of uncertainty. The typical Palin would've (or should've) said:

"Ya' know, regimes change and borders fall and the playing-board is constantly being reset in this world. Any leader, at any time, can find himself or herself confronted with the completely unknown. In such a climate, foreign-policy experience can be neutralized and you'll find everyone back at the drawing-board, on the same level. The best thing an executive can do is have foreign-policy experts and other top-notch specialists to advise and inform at all times. I don't need to live in a Bedouin tent for a year to communicate with human beings from foreign nations. People can always find a means to communicate, no matter where they are from, and the willingness to communicate is at the core of any strong foreign-policy agenda. My job is to know what my constituents need, what foreign regimes represent, in terms of opportunity or threat, and proceed accordingly via appropriate communication and effective channels."

That's the real Palin-voice. And it makes perfect sense, without McCain's team straining to produce specific credentials she did not yet have. This is what makes her success in the flurry of post-election interviews all the more radiant...even as we were low in defeat.

Palin was whip-smart, comprehensive, and effective in all of her responses--particularly during the encounter with Blitzer, who tried to throw her a few "gotchas" via the Affirmative Action question. That query she answered most effectively, and she did the same with Blitzer's attempt to scry for her personal agenda regarding Republican gubernatorial leadership.

On the day of the Republican Governor's Meeting in Miami, Palin deftly maneuvered first to emphasize the importance all impending contributions by GOP governors. Quite wisely she did not beat her own drum to the disrespect and subordination of her peers. Mindful that she must not even imply that she is the de facto leader of the GOP (even if she is), Palin waited for Eager-Beaver Blitzer to interrupt her. By that time, having laid a necessary foundation of respect for her fellows, Palin smoothly wrestled control from Wolfie and told him that America's energy independence and other energy issues would be central to her specific agenda.

It was a strong interview, no matter how many murmuring liberals will continue to pretend otherwise due to their penchant for self-delusion. In the majority of her interviews, Palin continued to employ typical Alaskan "straight-talk," which will always tweak the frightening, underlying bias of those on the Left who embrace elitism. Palin blinds such people with her honesty and reality. Why? Because liberals ponder honesty while conservatives practice it. Liberals create alternative realities while conservatives dwell within the ones they've already got, the ones they can feel.

Post-election polls are, not surprisingly, quite encouraging for Palin's career. Rasmussen showed that Palin is viewed with overwhelming favor by Republicans--well above 80%. 70% of Republicans want "very much" for Palin to become and remain a permanent fixture on the national political scene--another extraordinarily high figure.

Thus, while preconceived bias, elitism & sexism against her from the Left is despicable, and people should rise above such prejudices, they have to recognize these prejudices in themselves in order to do so. I hold out little hope for that.

The shameful thing is that many of us felt genuine compassion for Democrats when, during the many tense moments of the Bush administration, they were automatically dismissed by some as "unamerican" or "unpatriotic." I found that to be wrong.

The horror is that Democrats, who decried such castigation, and who knew what it felt like to be ostracized and demeaned, have now embraced and amplified the very biases they condemned under Bush's watch! And they claim to "know better."

Well, they may have wanted Palin to be the whipping-girl for their roaring Parade of Hypocrisy, but the Govrernor was not to be taken. She responded by staying true to herself, working hard for her ticket, drawing millions who would have otherwise kicked McCain to the curb, and not jumping into a closet after the election. She came out fighting, did her interviews, and nailed them all.

She fought, with dignity and charm, and with her own voice. That is what she needs to continue to do for the next four years as she plans her political future, for she unquestionably has one. She musn't change her style. She does not need to "reintroduce" herself to the American people as something renovated whenever she returns to the national scene. She needs to charmingly stare-down the foes who are going to continue to despise her no matter what she does, and absorb the trust of those who will be horrified by Obama's failure to part the seas at any time during the next four years. A few overseas trips to visit with foreign leaders (piroshky with Putin?) and a possible Senate run in 2010 might be advisable for the Governor, now that I think of it.

In the end, when she runs, Palin needs only to run a clear, unapologetically, and genuinely conservative campaign. We are your crowd, Governor Palin. And we will be waiting for you in even greater numbers. Count on it.

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